
Our goal with this little blog/group is to watch a couple movies each month, chosen by a mutually agreed upon person. Then said group rates said movies, posts small reviews, and discussion ensues.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Twinkle Twinkle little Vampire or a Commentary on Cashing In

When Kyle invited me to review movies, this was the last movie I thought I would have to watch. When the first book was a big hit, I made an attempt to read it to see if it was any good, Harry Potter had a similar buzz years before and turned out to be something really pretty good. The same couldn’t be said for Twilight. I remember reading a line early on, something like “Neither of us were what you would call verbose,” which was strike one, I’m pretty sure I got to strike three before the fiftieth page.
My simple review for this film boils down to this: It’s not good at all! Surprisingly I found a way to enjoy it more than I did the other selection for this month, and it’s all thanks to the commentary track on the dvd. I first attempted to watch it as intended, but kept thinking that a made for TV Lifetime version would probably have been more entertaining, and not just because it would have commercials. So after finishing roughly half of the movie, I started it over with the commentary on, and to my surprise, I found it somewhat enjoyable.

The first reason to watch the film with the commentary on is Robert Pattinson. He doesn’t like the film; you can tell he thinks it’s crap. While not coming out and saying it directly, a good portion of the things he has to say are basically making fun of it. He sold out, and he’s laughing all the way to the blood bank.
The second reason to watch the commentary track, is to listen to the director comment on things she thought she was doing well and things she would have done differently. One scene that stands out takes place in the school science lab. She placed Edward in front of a stuffed owl so that it would appear he had little angel wings. If you go back and look at the scene, it looks ridiculous, like he’s wearing a little girls fairy costume, yet to hear the director talk about it, it was genius. For me, it was hilarious..................................................................
(I couldn't find the exact shot where the owl was hidden and only the wings visible, but you get the idea)

For the film itself, I give it maybe 1 star, you know, for the twinkles, but add on another 1 and a half for the commentary track. Twilight, 2.5 twinkles out of 5.


  1. If I gotta hate, let it be Twilight

  2. Agreed. Now I am semi tempted to get a mild drunk on an rewatch w/ the commentary...or not.
