Its hard to believe that this movie is almost 20 years old, however I honestly noticed it throughout. The animatronics and cgi effects were still impressive, however everything else about the movie felt like it was 20 years old.
A curious thing thing occurred to me, but if you took the premise of this story and transported it 20 years to 2013 would the same or a similar outcome have occurred? In looking at the failings of the park in 93, many of the reasons things went wrong would be very unlikely to have happened in a more modern era. The parks electrical fencing system failing would most likely not have happened today. Even so far as to say that only 1 programmer was in charge of debugging and maintaining the backbone of a multi-million dollar investment. There would have been backup systems for the backup systems.
And with the more recent implementation of cloud computing and data storage. Everything could have, in the event of catastrophic system failure, been run remotely from Antarctica if need be. So the premise of one person being the backbone of this entire system seems ridiculous today.
Without the system failings all that is really left is the "chaos theory" angle that mother nature will find a way through. I highly doubt the single gender dino population idea would be necessary in today's Jurassic Park. What with gps location and nano technology every living creature on that island could be accounted for and tracked in real-time. If something were to mate, that also could be monitored and recorded with relative ease in a completely closed system. As for dinosaurs running rampant, I would say negative. Inject every living creature with a gps triggered tranquilizing agent that injects directly into the bloodstream and even the largest carnivore is out in a matter of seconds.
I cannot think of any other major malfunctions that would not easily be solvable today. I propose my original idea once again that Jurassic Park 2013 would have been a smashing success. John Hammond would have made his investors billions. Dr.'s Sattler and Grant would have been able to safely study any dinosaur they wanted. Angry conservatives would have been up in arms about science. GLaDOS would be proud. Everyone wins.
My conclusion. Jurassic Park 2013 5 stars out of 5. Jurassic Park 1993 3 stars out of 5 for because Sam Jackson didn't kick the shit out of Newman when he had the chance.
Jurassic Park 2013 does not feature a dinosaur eating a man off of a toilet. That alone is worth at least two stars.